Marie Osmond stays in shape to ‘be the fun grandma’ for her 8 grandkids

Marie Osmond is trying her hardest to be a present grandmother.

In a recent interview with the Daily Mail, Osmond spoke about how important her family is to her, telling the outlet, "If I’m at the end of the life, I want to spend time with my family." Osmond has eight kids; Stephen Jr., Rachael, Jessica, Michael, Brandon, Brianna, Matthew and Abigail. She also has eight grandchildren.

"One reason I stay in good shape is because I wanna go bike riding with my grandkids," she explained, adding she goes on long power walks to stay fit. "I wanna be the fun grandma, and you can’t do that if you don’t feel great."

To the world, Osmond is a famous actress, television host and singer, who became one of the youngest singers to reach No. 1 on the Billboard country music charts with the song "Paper Roses" in 1973 at the age of 13.


When it comes to her family, however, the songstress says "I want my grandkids to know me the real me, not the Marie Osmond they see on TV." She has made that a priority in her life, explaining it is "a real time commitment."

"It’s so funny, this Christmas my eight-year-old grandson asked me if I was kind of famous, and I said ‘no, not me,’ because I don’t want them to see me as a famous person and I want them to see me as me," she said.

In October 2023, Osmond told Fox News Digital "something snapped" when her 2021 album "Unexpected" debuted at No. 1 on the Billboard charts, something that had never happened throughout her entire career, leading her to make a bucket list.

Some of the items on the bucket list were "crazy," including her wish to jump out of a plane, and other dangerous "things that [she's] never been able to do because either [she's] under contract or [she] can't break a leg."

"I'm terrified of heights and jumped out of an airplane. I climbed Mount Sinai with my son," Osmond told Fox News Digital. "I went to Iceland with my husband. I zip lined over — it was terrifying — 300 feet over this waterfall, and I'm doing ‘The Bold and the Beautiful.’ It's a bucket list. It's incredible. I'm just having way too much fun."

Osmond has been very open in the past about her weight-loss journey, revealing she was at her heaviest in 2007, when she weighed 165 pounds and was a size 14.

It was in 2007 when she first tried Nutrisystem, going on to become a spokesperson for the weight loss meal delivery program and losing 50 pounds. 

"I would never go back to who I was," she told Fox News Digital in January 2023. "Never. I could never have done everything I’ve done. My last album, my current album, debuted at No. 1 on Billboard. I’m 63. That’s stupid, right?"

"Never could I have done that without the energy I have. And I just got off tour, the best, fun tour I’ve done," she added. "I just spent Disney World with my eight grandchildren. My 23-year-old son goes, ‘Mom, let’s shut down the park.’ Never could I have done that with 50 pounds on me."
