Chris Hemsworth detests when other Marvel actors ‘bash’ superhero franchise after a flop

Chris Hemsworth will not mince words. He cannot stand an opportunist, many of who he seems to feel lurk within the depths of Hollywood.

For nearly 15 years, Marvel Cinematic Universe films have dominated the box office, often luring audiences in with a star-studded ensemble cast and a big budget. Hemsworth is one of those stars, reprising his role as Thor in eight movies.

However, in recent years, Marvel movies have not been generating as much buzz or culling as large of an audience to the box office. Actors who have starred in the superhero flicks have even criticized their own work, years after it was released. Examples include Robert Downey Jr. and Christian Bale.


Hemsworth does not like that. "It’s, like, ‘They’re films that are successful — put me in one. Oh, mine didn’t work? I’ll bash them,'" he told The Sunday Times.

"Look, I grew up on a soap opera." Hemsworth shared of his early days on the Aussie soap, "Home and Away." "And it used to bother me when actors would later talk about the show with guilt or shame. Humility goes a long way. One of the older actors on 'Home and Away' said, ‘We don’t get paid to make the good lines sound good, but to make the bad ones work.’ That stuck with me."

"But hey, it’s all a lesson," he told the Times, addressing his own body of work. "If I ever went back to [Thor] I’d wonder how we could change it again. But there is a superhero curse in the sense you get pigeonholed, and I’ve felt a little hamstrung with what I could do, so desperately wanted something to scare the s--- out of me. And ‘Furiosa’ did," he said of his upcoming film with Tom Hardy and Anya Taylor-Joy.

Hemsworth's last Marvel film was the 2022 feature, "Thor: Love and Thunder," which, per Forbes, grossed around $750 million worldwide, a picture he thought "got a bit jokey. Too improv."

However, Marvel's own stars are not the only ones ripping the franchise. Esteemed directors like Martin Scorsese and Francis Ford Coppola have also torched the great collective.

"It felt harsh," Hemsworth admitted. "And it bothers me, especially from heroes. It was an eye-roll for me, people bashing the superhero space. Those guys had films that didn’t work too — we all have. When they talked about what was wrong with superheroes, I thought, cool, tell that to the billions who watch them. Were they all wrong?"
